Copyright 2024 Soapy's Car Wash Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Open 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days a week.
4876B - 46 Street, Lacombe, AB
Goodbye lost stamp cards, our loyalty points are now entered automatically with your purchase!
Points are awarded based on the dollar amount of your purchase.
To participate we need only to enter your name and phone number to get you signed up.
How it Works
Our friendly staff will ask if you are in our system and then award you points on every wash purchase.
They will also ask if you would like to redeem when you have enough points for a discount.
Each dollar you spend earns you 1 point (ie: a $15 wash = 15 points).
You may redeem your points at any time (min 50).
We are pleased to offer this loyalty program as a way to say thank you for choosing Soapy's Car & RV Wash.